Manila Office Life

20 January 2006


Friday has rolled around again.

It's looking like a fairly busy weekend since I've got a party to attend tonight, another party to attend tomorrow night, and a kiddie party to attend Sunday for lunch.

Wonder if I'll get to score? Hahaha!

If I do, I'll let you guys know right away.

As if.


18 January 2006

Updates Updates Updates

It's been a full 3 months since my last post.

Well, except for that quick one yesterday. At any rate, nothing much has changed in that span of time. I'm still working in the same place doing the same thing. I'm set to fly to the UK for some training time in May of this year so I'm really looking forward to that one.

Suffered a major setback at work yesterday. Not really involving my own career but that of a subordinate. No matter how much they say you've gotta detach yourself from the work, at least emotionally, one cannot help but feel a sense of mentorship towards one's subordinates. It's like you're responsible for their growth and development. I've always felt that this was one aspect of work at which I excelled. Many of my former subordinates have distinguished themselves and been promoted to positions of greater responsibility. I guess my streak ends here.

Felt pretty bad yesterday. Went to the gym in the evening. Zoned out for an hour and a half. Felt bone-tired afterwards. Made sleep easier.

Bah! Enough negativity! I'm a firm believer in the view that the world is already too negative and contrary. We don't need to add to the difficulties already here.

17 January 2006

Thoughts Like Bees... Buzzing... Buzzing...

It's been a very Steve Jobs couple of days for me lately.

That sentence may be a little cryptic. Let me explain a little. My sister came home from work in the USA last Christmas and she brought the latest 5G iPod with Video for me. I was, of course, ecstatic and proceeded to quickly set it up and use it extensively. Needless to say, I loved that little gadget. Still do.

Two weeks ago, I uploaded the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley" into my iPod. I watched it by hooking the gadget up to my TV using a set of A/V cables I had purchased recently from the Apple Store. The cables worked like a dream and the movie was an eye-opener for me. The movie is basically the story of Apple and Microsoft, and the people behind those 2 companies: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. I'd recommend the movie to any computer geek anywhere.

Today, I remembered a forwarded email I'd read a few months ago regarding a commencement speech by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. I Googled it and found it here.

The speech talks about 3 very enlightening things: connecting the dots, love and loss, and death. I leave it up to you to read his speech but I believe there is something there for everyone. It has made me re-think my priorities, both for work and life. Strange how I typed in 'work' before I typed in 'life'. Eerie.

Till next time, gentle readers.