Manila Office Life

18 January 2006

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It's been a full 3 months since my last post.

Well, except for that quick one yesterday. At any rate, nothing much has changed in that span of time. I'm still working in the same place doing the same thing. I'm set to fly to the UK for some training time in May of this year so I'm really looking forward to that one.

Suffered a major setback at work yesterday. Not really involving my own career but that of a subordinate. No matter how much they say you've gotta detach yourself from the work, at least emotionally, one cannot help but feel a sense of mentorship towards one's subordinates. It's like you're responsible for their growth and development. I've always felt that this was one aspect of work at which I excelled. Many of my former subordinates have distinguished themselves and been promoted to positions of greater responsibility. I guess my streak ends here.

Felt pretty bad yesterday. Went to the gym in the evening. Zoned out for an hour and a half. Felt bone-tired afterwards. Made sleep easier.

Bah! Enough negativity! I'm a firm believer in the view that the world is already too negative and contrary. We don't need to add to the difficulties already here.


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